March 16, 2012

~Object 6~ A Candle

The flicker of a candle lit her notebook, as she wrote a song.  The power had been out for a few hours and candles sat atop shelves in each room.  The smell of aromatic wax filled the house and the quiet chatting around a table of cards could be heard below.

But for the rambler the candles only brought inspiration, and so she hid in her room, paper and pen in hand as she jotted down a lullaby.  She lit another candle and set it upon her desk, drinking in the old-world vibe.

There is something about the feel of candles that one cannot help but love.  Something deep down in each of us loves feeling old-fashioned, and when all of the lights are out and only candles illuminate our homes that something deep down comes alive and speaks to us.

And so she finished her song, blew out the candle and fell asleep to the voice deep within, the voice now awake.


Over and out,


P.S.  It's getting more difficult to think of objects already.  Do you have an idea?  Contact me!

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